
Age 28, Male

Austin, TX

Joined on 2/7/14

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Just made my first cartoon in 2 years. Here is that.




I've been going to Ball State to study animation for the past 2 years. If you haven't heard of it that's okay. I wouldn't reccomend it for 2d animators. When I signed up I assumed i'd be making shorts and animating a bunch right away, but that wasn't the case at all. Not that this was necessarily bad, the first year being a foundations year was really helpful to my nonexistant traditional drawing skills at the time.

But then my sophomore year, we got into actual animation stuff. I learned the program is super 3d focused, and I've been learning a lot of maya. I've even gotten a decent job making 3d models for historical recreations of places that are viewed in VR. I don't have any photos of that yet, but if you're curious at all about what I've made in class here's my demo reel.


I like doing 3d stuff, but I feel like I've lost track of what I want to do with animation. I started animating because I wanted to make videos, and I had no crew to make them. I could do animation on my own. Looking back on the past two years, I haven't really made anything I'm excited about, aside from this dumb short about asses. I made it in about a month of casual work and decided I really just wanted to make something and not stress about it.  It feels like the sort of thing I was hoping to make in college. 

Anyway, making this has gotten me thinking. I want to collaberate with more people. I have this vauge idea for a series where it's like twilight zone/black mirror/ray bradbury type stuff, but with animated comedy shorts. Each episode I would collab with someone new, whether that be a writer or an animator. I want to get back into the stuff I really like making. If that sounds like something you'd be interested in helping with, let me know. I think it could be a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading all this, if you've gotten this far. If you've got any general feedback on that video, or if you'd like to collab on something, let me know. I'd love to talk.


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1,360 Points

Tape Collector 10 Points

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Complete 25 Points

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Slaves? 10 Points

So trapping them and not letting them finish is okay?

Multiples 5 Points

Hey look there's more than one of me

Prison Cell with a View 5 Points

Why do I punish myself?

Time to Make It! 5 Points

Play "Make it as an Artist"

Die 10 times 5 Points

Die 10 times

Finish Level 5 5 Points

Finish Level 5